US BLAMES VENEZUALA FOR HATING BUSH (Let's face it, we didn't need this bloke to persuade us)
His government has supported socialist governments across South America as country after country turns its back on George Bush.
His country is the 5th biggest oil producer in the world.
His country is blocking the extension of the US's trade agreement to unite the Americas into a global market which will benefit US consumers.
Today George Bush banned arms sales to Venezuala because of the attitude of its President, Hugo Chavez.
Today the US government says he is the new enemy in the contradictory "war on terror".
Or could it be the war on socialism?
On the day Libya's Gadaffi was welcomed back, Chavez is being put out in the cold.
Does he care?
Does he fuck.
His country is getting richer as oil prices soar, and the US's actions are likely to push the price of oil higher as Bush continues his energy battle with force rather than friendship.
And guess who Mr Chavez will also be paying a visit to next in his world tour?
Why, Mr Gadaffi of course!
As E.R. predicted some weeks ago, expect South America to be the new enemy caused by energy, and expect things to start hotting up not only with Iran, but on America's doorstep.
Clearly George Bush's grasp of game theory is limited to tic tac toe and gin rummy.
god, I'm so sick of these nimnuls
considered moving to england from the states just to finally get away from the shite
but, no, england's got the nasties also
hmmm, where's left then?
Sandy searcher, you're right, it's tough finding anywhere these days. Go somewhere without any energy, and you'll likely to find a leader out to beat the crap out of someone for it (US, UK, etc). Find somewhere with any energy, and you'll likely to find a corrupt regime propped up by their supplies (most of the arab states, russia, etc). Kazahkstan has got loads of energy, loads of land, and hardly any people - and is being wooed by China and Russia. But they will probably start invading it in the end, or the West will, via NATO neighbour Turkey.
I would recommend a sunny windy place you can set up a solar panel and wind turbine for your home - and pray to god the neighbours are nice ;-)
Thanks for contributing,
All the very best,
hmmm I wondered what the next country we would invade would be.
I remember a couple of years ago Bu$h showed a picture of chavez and saddam that was taken in the early 80s and using to say that there was a link between the two countries.
you should have put some money on it.
The US government has throughout history backed regimes and not the people of countries. and just cause their pissy with the dictator they'll let a whole country starve.
And that is totally fucked up.
but then, they have the nerve to be all surprised when the people overthrow whatever despot was in charge.( We had NO idea that was going on!)
I'm fucking disillusioned with my country, but it's mine damn it!..and I refuse to walk away without a fight.
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