Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I wanna make it clear I don't think flying planes into buildings is a good idea...

But the case against Zacarias Moussaoui is pretty weak. I thought this guy was a player, was in on the plot of 9/11, caught on the way to join in the terrible events of that day.
From the opening statements, he's al-Qaeda alright, but he's not a 9/11 terrorist by all accounts, even from the prosecution.
He was stopped by police because he had learnt to fly planes and been trained with the terrorists that blew up the World Trade Centre. But he didn't do it. He wasn't there. He was arrested a whole month before 9/11 even happened, and was in jail on the day of the attack.
I mean we're not talking an episode of 24 here with him tied up sweating and Jack Bauer asking him to tell them about the attacks. He was just dodgy, in al-Qaeda, so they locked him up.
The prosecution say because he didn't tell them he was a funded al-Qaeda terrorist, the country wasn't on red alert still (a whole month later), and therefore he's to blame for the attack.
It's gonna take a day in court to read out the names of all the victims. There are calls for his death penalty.
I mean the bloke is obviously gonna go down. They're going to lay everything on him so they have someone to blame.
I just thought he was important.
And he's not.


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