Tuesday, May 02, 2006

CON-FACTIONERY - (more "sweet" news)

More than one in four children in America and UK clinically obese.
More than one in four children under-5 in developing world suffering malnutrition.
Number of deaths from malnutrition of under-5's every year: 5.6 million.
Bertie Bassett was unavailable for comment.


Blogger Matt Vella said...

Feeding children McDonald's should be considered child abuse.

May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there r 2 madonalds in town, never been 2 either 1 even tha candy i get is sugarfree but nobody puts a gun 2 ur head n says eat this garbage r do thay? is it a conspiracy? is the medical proffssion behind it? tha drug makers? ha just eat some topamax with ur prozac, u'll b ok u wont shake r eat n u wont care

May 02, 2006  
Blogger Cynnie said...

It's a known fact that all fast food places have a "special" highly addictive additive in their fries..
it's falled FAT!!
jesus, gimmee a hit now!!

May 02, 2006  
Blogger tideliar said...

Yeah, but what do we do? Some of the poorest countries in the world burnt their Kentucky Fried Chicken shops down after the dutch posted them cartoons...do we try Burger King next?

ANyway. The definition of obese keeps getting shifted by politisised government types. There are a lot of fatties, but the number of "real" obese people is actually dropping. That's what I read on TV anyway.

May 02, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

I think mainly the choices people make about food are influenced by advertising and education.
Many people who eat in fast food joints are educated by advertising, which means they feed shit to themselves and their kids. Because many are badly educated they work long hours for low pay doing shit jobs, and the disgusting farming tactics encouraged by fast food companies offers cheap animals at cheap prices in a quick convenient manner.
This in turn means cheaper crops are rejected for the relatively expensive rearing of animals (the food energy from a field of wheat is 13 times that from a field of cows) and so there's not enough cheap good food to go around.
And the tactics used by fast food joints at advertising to kids, plus high salt and additives, means kids do crave the stuff beyond the pleasure it delivers.
What i don't understand, though, is why adults have kids if they dont have time to cook them decent food, take them for a kick around over the park, and walk them to school - rather than drive them home via a drive-thru macca d's and then sit them upstairs with a computer and tv.
It's about choices that are sold to us, and the choices we know are right as intelligent individuals. At some point, you gotta stop the loop.

May 03, 2006  
Blogger Cynnie said...

and have you heard that men seeking breast reductions has increased?..you know it's the hormones in the meat..

May 03, 2006  

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