Thursday, June 15, 2006


Presumably she's snorted the whole lot by now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 rule for them eh?

June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That doesn't prove anything. What's you point?

June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, then. So CCTV footage isn't admissible then?

June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evidence is a very fluid concept.

Actual Photos of a crime being committed is one thing, but it's much better to have a Government report that insinuates that something might have happened or that something might exist.

That is much better evidence.

June 15, 2006  
Blogger me said...

serious question fom me for a change. my sister is a single parent. if she was photographed cutting and snorting coke, how long would it be before the social services were knocking at her door?
fucking hypocritical bastards, and don't get me started on that skinny cunt of an ex. how many times do you think we could be arrested and released without charge for carrying class a drugs before we got sent down.

dullard you nailed it buddy.

June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

girls just wanna have fun

June 15, 2006  
Blogger A new Ron,ron,ron a new ron,ron said...

Fuck her, she has to stay skinny somehow, right?

June 15, 2006  
Blogger nanuk said...

You mean, you can be charged for having taken drugs in the past? WTF is that going to accomplish?

June 16, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

An update on this story - Kate wasn't charged because there wasn't sufficient evidence to know which drug she was snorting. Though anyone who's tried snorting MDMA will know that it's not a good idea, and speed ain't much fun for your nozza either. As someone in favour of legalising drugs, I'm not that pissed off about it, but the absolute hypocrisy of this decision is laughable. If I'm caught on camera punching someone, I could be charged with causing Grievous Bodily Harm but later found guilty of assault. It seems odd that in this circumstance could not Kate have been charged with snorting class A's and then later found guilty of snorting class B's, if that was her defence?

June 16, 2006  
Blogger me said...

never happen, but the most important part of this is the £250,000 it has cost the police to "investigate". fuck me, my mother has never even seen drugs, but she new what she was up to!
quarter of a million quid to study the front page of the daily mirror?
bet the mets xmas bash is a good one this year! i hear it's in dubai.
and as for kate? yup, i still would!

June 16, 2006  
Blogger Arty McFly said...

Congrats on getting your joke in the Observer Review today!

June 18, 2006  

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