Monday, April 17, 2006

People you wouldn't think I've met, but I have # 7: Sir Jimmy Saville

I met Sir Jimmy in 1989, on the set of his then TV "hit" Jim'll Fix It.
Jim was the original presenter of Top Of The Pops, and in the 1960s was one of Britain's biggest DJs.
As age caught up with him and music overtook him, the BBC tried to keep him in work, developing a show in which Jim "would make a dream come true" for children, called Jim'll Fix It.
None of the work was actually done by Jim, and he spent no money on the show, and all the outside broadcast footage of kids getting their dream never involved him being present.
I never really liked Jim.
When I was 8-years-old, I used to walk to school with a girl called Evelyn. Evelyn had breathing troubles - nothing life threatening, but some birth defect meant her nasal passages didn't work properly and she had limited breathing through her nose, and often had to breath through her mouth. Difficult when you eat and drink, and as a child she was taunted for a funny voice, forever like someone with a cold and blocked nose.
With this in mind, Evelyn did what any other 8-year-old would do in the mid 70s, she wrote to Jim to fix her nose for her.
So out he comes on his TV show, and he always had a warm up bit about kids asking impossible fixes at the beginning. Stuff like "Dear Jim can you fix it for me to go in a rocket to the moon" and "Dear Jim can you fix it for me to be able to swim with sharks".
Ha ha.
Ho ho.
Anyway, so next on his list was "Now then now then, what have we here, a letter from 8-year old-Evelyn, and Evelyn says 'Dear Jim can you fix it for me to have a new nose'."
And Jim, without reading the rest of the letter about her condition, milks it for laughter from the 10-year-olds in the audience, and then says "Ha ha, Evelyn, no I can't".
Then he says "Don't write letters to me about something no one can do anything about! You put up with your nose, like we all do!".
And that was it.
Then some kid gets to go in a glider or play tennis with virginia wade and thank Jim for making it all happen.
And Evelyn, her last shot at a new nose shot down in flames, and made into a 5 second piss-taking gag for Mr Fix It here. On Monday morning on our walk to school, Evelyn never mentioned it, and neither did I.
Anyway, so when I get to go into the same studio as him 15 years later as an adult I'm keen to see what he's like.
A 7-year-old kid comes out in front of Jim, who is going through rehearsals.
says Jim, as though he was speaking to a BBC cleaner "you sit there, you shut up, and you answer what I ask you. Clear?"
The scared 7-year-old nods, and looks for her mum.
He was the rudest man I've ever met, and I didn't really meet him.
I just watched him treat kid after kid like they were a bit of dirt, meanwhile turning on his charm for the show to look like some kind miracle worker.
I was pleased when a documentary by Louis Theroux, son of author Paul Theroux, seemed to come to the same conclusion.
Jimmy Saville is a sick cocksucking fucker that doesn't like kids in the way you thought, and will do anything to massage his MASSIVE ego created by a moment in time, the 1960s, and forever craved again by his sad, lonely, sick soul.


Blogger me said...

any other person of his vintage seen walking about in a shell suit and a string vest would have been institutionalised years ago!
and why has he got a cigar in his gob ALL THE TIME? is this to compensate for him not having a cock in it while he is in public?
don't trust the potential kiddie fiddler.
and the cunt never answered my request to meet paul weller and sing with the jam!

word veri; nabao. wasn't that a planet in one of lucas' cash ins?

April 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw Jimmy Saville early one grey rain soaked morning. It was in the mid 80's and there was a bike race (I think it was called the milk race), one of the stages was going through Lancashire and as I peeped out of my bedroom curtains at 7 am, I saw the figure of Sir James dressed in a gold tracksuit standing on top of jeep with his arms outstretched. Nobody was there, just me, peeping out. All hail the messiah. I went back to bed no more impressed than I was with the old turd anyway.

April 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when you cared this blog was great.

July 25, 2007  

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