Wednesday, May 24, 2006

E.R. ON TOUR MAY 25 - MAY 29

Some people would call it work.
Anyway, E.R. hopes to still be blogging from the Portuguese capital, and a laptop is coming with me, but if you don't hear from me, you know that I've ballsed-up getting online in the land of the sardine. Or sea of the sardine.
There's definitely a sardine involved at any rate.
Anyone know any handy Portuguese phrases? (Remember, it's not Spanish).
Like "where's the computer shop?" or "How much exactly is considered personal use?"
At least I should get a tan...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

onde está o banheiro
this is tha most important words in ne lang...where is tha bathroom

quanto para essa menina sobre lá?

how much is that girl over there?
hope it helps

May 25, 2006  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Enjoy, ER. Never been to Portugal, me. Like to, though. Be sure to regale us with tales of your antics 'pon thy return.

May 25, 2006  
Blogger me said...

find out what THEY think of mouhrinio and our chances in the world cup. be nice to get a realistic perspective, eh?

May 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

minhas esferas estão no fogo -
my balls are on fire. you'd be surprised how useful this phrase can be in Lisbon. (it's a long story

May 25, 2006  

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