Monday, May 22, 2006


Since they are getting a bit of a hard time, I thought I'd mention these...

* Asylum seekers are NOT ALLOWED to work in the first 12 months after they arrive in the UK.
* Benefits for asylum seekers are 30% below those of unemployed Brits.
* Asylum seekers are not given preference in finding council accommodation but mostly put in properties deemed unfit for people born in Britain.
* Asylum seekers are twice as likely to be the victims of crime but no more likely to commit crime
* 83% of female asylum seekers do not go out at night in the UK for fear of attack

Welcome to the UK, where in a recent survey of what being "British" meant, one of the most popular responses was "welcoming and understanding of other cultures".


Blogger Camie Vog said...

Sounds a bit better than here...
Where do I sign up? What is the penalty if I work on the down low?

May 22, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...


May 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I befriended a few assylum seekers from Zimbabwe. I was interested in the political situation there and I suppose its like looking at a road accident.
Anyway, a friend of mine runs a support group in my humble town. The local BNP want it closed down. After all there are 8 people from Zimbabwe there.
The new assylum laws are an abomination. They recieve 5 pounds a week food money. That is it. The aim of the policy is to make people leave the UK. They have to rely on charity. Its awful.
One chap I got friendly with came here because his brother drove the leader of the MDC across Harare. He was declared an enemy of the state. His brother has disapeared. They came looking for him, the green bombers. He feels so depressed. The home office is deporting people back to Zimbabwe. They foribly remove you at the crack of dawm. Riot shielded police 'cuff you and throw you into the back of a van. His 6yr old daughter witnessed this.
This government is pursuing a racist policy that divides families, promotes the BNP, and sends people back to face torture and death. I feel so disgusted with this government.
My local MP Andy Burnham does not give a toss. He is a blair yes man and does not accept that Zimbabwe is a dangerous place.
Would you go?

sorry to go on, but it is so readily swept under the carpet by the media.

May 22, 2006  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

They then went off n voted BNP. Welcome to the UK now fuck off again. This is becoming a strange place to live.

May 22, 2006  
Blogger Camie Vog said...

Erm, just as I thought...I'll NEVER get outta here! I guess Mexico it is then. It'll be similar to England, being that I can't go out at night by myself there, either...

May 23, 2006  
Blogger me said...

camie; and you won't be able to understand them!

my mum in law is an a.s.w. (big time social worker) whos main job is dealing with asylum seekers. whilst i was off with my ankle, i went to london with her for the day, to a big meeting about it. i should not have been there but she was worried about cathing the tube alone, and there was free food. i just had to sit at the back quietly, and if anyone asked i had to tell them i was a trainee. back to the plot. the facts and figures i heard there were unbelievable.
unlike what the daily mail would have you believe, we are not the country with the most asylum seekers, nor are we the easiest to get into. we send more back than we accept, and as e.r. has already pointed out, those that are granted leave to remain are a lot worse off than the workshy dole scroungers that were born in this country. most of the ones in our area are desperate to work and contribute to the country, but small minded bigots won't let them and spread scare stories so as to stop them.
sorry this is so long winded, and good for you e.r. for sticking up for the minorities.

p.s. the m.i.l. has been to the home office on many occasions to argue for certain individuals rights to remain, and has also been interviewed by the bbc and channel 4!

May 23, 2006  
Blogger me said...

sorry to go on, but i must also say that we have a childrens outdoor activity centre in barnsley that was about to close when the first influx of asylum seekers were due to arrive. with funding from the government, and local councils, and donations from local businesses and the public (hello!) it was refurbished as a cntre for the seekers, and now has reverted to its original use.
so at least the school kids in this area have gained something from it. and the first people to arrive there got stuck in with the renovation too as a way to say thanks. but these things tend not to get reported.
thats all now. i will shut up!

May 23, 2006  

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