Monday, May 22, 2006


British Home Secretary John Reid is a man with his tongue so far up Tony Blair's arse that it has it's own passport when the prime minister travels abroad.
In return for this constant rear-end passage cleaning, Mr Blair has done a deal with him that if Gordon Brown - the promised successor to Blair - fails to play ball in the handover of power, Mr Reid will receive the PM's support to take over.
After doing his dirty work in Iraq as Defence Secretary, a job suited to the hard-nosed Scottish cunt, Mr Reid stepped forward for the job as Home Secretary when Blair needed an immoral fuckface to take over the problems of overcrowded prisons, an immigration department in tatters, and of course the surveillance of individuals who have committed no crime.
To take away the spotlight from a bureacracy in disarray, including the revelation yesterday that almost 3,000 people are wrongly listed as criminals by the Home Office, and could have been turned down for jobs because of being on a blacklist, Mr Reid has played the primeval trump card in all things crime - revenge.
He's going to make a speech today suggesting victims of crimes should set the penalties for the criminals that attack them.
While it is COMPLETELY FUCKING OBVIOUS that dangerous criminals should not be released early if they are going to commit more crimes, it is also COMPLETELY FUCKING OBVIOUS that the best people to decide this aren't the victims.
While one rapist might be locked up for 30 years, another could be let out in a week. That's why we've got laws, and judges, and courts, and a jury.
So that there is some fucking consistency.
This plan just puts the decision (and hence the blame if it goes wrong) onto the victims. It doesn't give them power, it just takes the pressure (and the press) off the backs of people who haven't been doing their job properly.
Maybe, just maybe, what we need, is a new approach to treating people who commit crimes.
But under Labour crime has gone down, and down, and down. Under the Tories there was consistently more chance of your car being nicked or your house being burgled - the two biggest crimes in the UK.
But to look at the papers, you'd also think the streets were packed with asylum seekers raping and murdering passers by in every street in Britain.
It isn't true.
Rape has continued to rise, but not as steeply as in recent years, and everyone is aware that the changing attitudes to reporting rape mean it is an impossible figure to trend.
While violent crimes have risen in the past couple of years, this is low level and associated to alcohol and drug use - neither big issues with asylum seekers.
The other big growth is in identity theft on the net. I haven't seen that many asylum seekers turning up with laptops at Heathrow Airport, have you?
Not good, but hardly a society in chaos.
Over 1,000 asylum seekers are now doctors in the NHS - and doing a very good job, thanks very much.
Don't hear much about them, do we?
Mr Reid is just trying to grab a populist headline to hide all the other shit that's going wrong with his department.
E.R. suggests he go fuck himself.
Since he's managed all that acrobatic stuff with his tongue and Tony's arse over the past three years, it shouldn't be too difficult.


Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

They're politicians they're wankers. Like day follows night.

May 22, 2006  

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