Wednesday, May 10, 2006

See a penny, pick it up...

...and all day,
you'll have good luck.
That's what my mum taught me when I was five.
But I've declined to follow this advice when I've seen pennies covered in wee in gents toilets on the basis of public hygiene. And the fact that a penny buys you fuck all.
But I was rather surprised, when this little baby, a pound coin (that's $1.83 US) was ignored by passenger after passenger that exited a rush-hour train yesterday. As a republican (with a small "r") I did quite enjoy watching the queen's face get stamped on, but this is the question:
Am I a pikey for stopping to pick it up?
Or just a loser that looks at his shoes while walking?
(pikey - translated in US could mean tramp, bum, or certainly that hillbilly on The Simpsons with 20 kids).


Blogger me said...

no, not a pikey. for a start, when was the last time you saw a pikey on a bus?
whilst you are on a bus ending up a quid richer, they are in your back garden nicking your tools from your shed and turning a once beautiful bit of scenery into a fucking shithole!
we ought to be able to have a cull on the dodgy inbred cunts once a year!

p.s cleatus the slackjaw yokel was the name on the tip of your tongue!

May 10, 2006  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

Someone I once knew used to say: see a penny, pick it up, any luck, you'll have a fuck. That's a bit rude, though.

May 10, 2006  
Blogger me said...

working girls cheap round your way eh?

May 10, 2006  
Blogger girl said...

Found money kicks ass! One of my friends was kicking a $100 bill on the sidewalk once. He thought it was an ad printed to look like money. Luckily he finally picked it up and had a greeeat day!

May 11, 2006  

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