Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The fucker's still alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

more interstin if tha cunt drowns

May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

peasant. what you done lately

May 09, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

LOL. That's hilarious. I think that almost the entire world has done something more useful than sit in a goldfish bowl for money. But still, if it's an ambition for you, you can only dream...

May 09, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

Actually I gotta keep going on this. I liked David Blaine when he did his street stuff, you know, throwing cards through windows, elevating one and a half inches in the air, that kind of stuff. I can even do one of his tricks - the one where it looks like he's dislocated his shoulder. All very clever. But then things started to go wrong. David Blaine stopped doing tricks - he just started doing pointless pointless publicity stunts and calling them tricks. What has New York seen here? A man covered in special stuff and gloves breathing air in a goldfish bowl, who DID NOT break the record he set out to. Put up cameras and you yanks think it must be special. It wasnt. Just a man in goldfish bowl. Best thing was when he did his "fast" over the river thames in the uk. The biggest problem? - lots of people trying to smash the case he was in by hitting golf balls and firing air rifles and catapults at him from rooftops around the river. Unlike the USA we Brits don't necessarily believe that a press release, a bunch of cameras, and a man in a glass case do a story make. The "illusion", is that this is anything to watch at all.
And one final thing.
Put your name to your comment if you call me a peasant, you stupid ignorant fucking cunt.
But a peasant, rather than a fuckwit that thinks Mr Blaine's contribution to society by sitting in a bubble for a week is really important, I would rather be.
Thanks for contributing.

May 09, 2006  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

You may have suspected this already, E.R., but I am so with you on this. I enjoyed the street stuff, too. And I've even had guys do similar cool stuff for me on the Strand, up close, and it's good shit. But really, Blaine has gone beyond entertainment. I don't even know what this is. "The spectacle of nothing" is the name I shall give it from this point on.

May 09, 2006  
Blogger Cynnie said...

yup..i'm with ya'll on that..the street stuff was cool ..but what is this crap he's doing now ? ..It's dull as hell..I dont give a rats ass about him being in water for a week ..
Jesus ,thats me on vacation at the beach..
And the press never show up for that..

May 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mabe is is turnin into a poor version of david copperfield

May 09, 2006  
Blogger me said...

said as much myself yesterday morning, but i have got to say.....WHAT A COME BACK E.R.!

if you aint gonna be brave enough to put your name to a comment then shut the fuck up!

May 10, 2006  

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