Tuesday, November 07, 2006

oh cock

When I've written about the bird flu virus H1N5 before on this blog, I've been confronted with a certain amount of cynicism that the virus holds any danger at all.
After all, it's killed only about 140 people in the past year or two.
So let's look at the virus that's the grandaddy of H1N5 - the H1N1.
The H1N1 first appeared during World War One, in 1916.
But despite a few deaths here and there, no one considered there was anything to worry about.
In 1917 only 114 people died of H1N1. In 1918 the virus killed, er, hang on let me check this. No, it's right.
The virus killed 50 million people.
In six months.
Most scientists agree that when (not if) H1N5 mutates, world travel (as was the case of the soldiers returning home in 1918) will ensure a greater spread of the diseases, faster.
The number of deaths worldwide will double, every three days.
For three months.
If you try doubling the number 1 thirty times on your fingers (for the 90-day duration of a pandemic), you end up, on your little finger of your right hand, by count thirty, something very roughly in the region of 1 billion people.
Funny how quickly those little numbers become big.
No one can prepare for the mutation, because, duh, it's a mutation.
What is interesting, as well, is that in 1918, the H1N1 didn't attack kids, the fragile, or the elderly.
Nine out of ten victims were aged 25 to 35.
The stronger your immune system is, the more it is likely to overreact to the attack of the virus. And it's the over-reaction that kills you. Eventually your lungs fill with blood and you cop it.
H1N5 acts in the same way.
And those of you grabbing a bottle of Tamiflu (the anti virul drug being stockpiled) may be disappointed to hear that unfortunately, unless the entire world takes Tamiflu for the rest of their lives, the virus will kill as many people as if we never took it at all.
And there isn't enough to take it forever, so, er, there's no point taking it at all.
Anyone feel like chicken tonight? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched an awful thing on Horizon last night. I could have summarised in 5 minutes, 'we are all going to die.....horribly and your kids are going to die too and you will be to ill to help them.'

The beeb always makes these docu/films to scare the shit out of people. Stick to the facts please and spare us the casualty actors.

November 08, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

Yeah, you're right RD, what's happened to Horizon? It used to be a mind-expanding insight into science. Now it's like Holby City without the nurses uniforms... ie bollocks.

November 08, 2006  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

: )

November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chicken ememem
neways do thay show all those scare tha crap outta u shows rite at bed tiem there 2?

November 13, 2006  
Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

so being nearly 49 I'm safe then? More chicken vindaloo for me. Good.

November 13, 2006  
Blogger * (asterisk) said...

What a cheery read, ER. Thanks!

November 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do I bother quitting fags in the new year or not....?

December 30, 2006  

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