Thursday, April 27, 2006

When The Sun Goes Down (on your credibility)

There comes a moment in every band's life when they just stop being cool anymore.
It's not their fault, they can't control who likes them.
Spandau Ballet were cool for about six minutes, and that was only when they got locked out of the recording studio in the snow one day.
The Arctic Monkeys have done a bit better than that.
But the UK BBC1 soap opera EastEnders dealt the lads a killer blow as Dr Oliver was caught singing along to them on his i-pod (they stopped being cool in 2003 by the way, if you're bothered) by "Little" Mo in his surgery.
Didn't do the doc any harm, he got a shag out of it.
At least the boys can think themselves lucky it wasn't his predecessor, the 85-year-old wonky-legged Dr Legg.
He definitely wouldn't have looked good on the dancefloor.


Blogger Matt Vella said...

They're (the Arctic Monkeys) just starting to make a splash over here. Catchy tune, that on the dance floor one.

April 27, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

it's a top tune, and a top album too matt, for sure... but Dr Oliver here definitely didnt do the boys any favours!
By the way, when I started this blog, Blogzilla was the first American blog I found where I thought "thank christ - there are some sane Americans..."
Keep up the good work matt.

April 27, 2006  
Blogger Matt Vella said...

Thanks, Sir Rantsalot - that's high praise indeed!

April 27, 2006  

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