Tuesday, April 25, 2006

There's a little bit of Homer in all of us (and my little bit is my mouth)

Woke up this morning, found out I'd turned into Homer Simpson.
Or at least my mouth has.
I've noticed this coming on for a while now. It's those lines top left and right of my mouth. When I first watched The Simpsons I thought Homer's mouth was weird. A bit like a monkey's mouth (check out Bruno below).
Now I've got it.
No one's ever going to snog me again.
Still, he's three years younger than me, and I've still got more hair than him.
It also means I've got a mouth like a cunt.
No, I don't mean it's rude. Or that I don't like the very excellent Homer.
Check out regular Ranter visitor Fatfiz's picture site, go right to the bottom, underneath all those shiny scooters of his, and you'll see what I mean... www.fatfizsfotos.blogspot.com


Blogger Cynnie said...

wah fucking wah..you crybaby..
at least you dont have my mothers ass.

April 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have though and its terrible.

April 25, 2006  
Blogger Attila the Mom said...

"No one's ever going to snog me again."

Oh hell, there's real life people who are much less appealing than Homer who are getting some.

Even Benny Hill got laid once in awhile. ;-)

Chin up!

April 26, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

Ok I didn't mean to sound quite so dramatic... in actual fact the picture is homer's real mouth, the rest of it is me...

April 26, 2006  
Blogger Cynnie said...

Eh..so you've seen my mothers ass ?
Kinda puts your cunt mouth in perspective huh?
and remember..even real cunts get kissed now and again ..

April 26, 2006  

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