Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Official estimates are that 9,000 deaths have been caused by the Chernobyl disaster...

...but nine-year-old Alexandra wasn't even born when Chernobyl happened 20 years ago today, and certainly isn't dead yet.
She lives with her father Vitaly in the highly contaminated area of Belarus, affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
He has had to give up work to look after her.
Not one penny has been spent on the war against the terror of nuclear power.
Experts estimate that the disaster is responsible for 20,000 cancers from fall out in the UK alone.
Countries previously against nuclear power, including Sweden, are building new nuclear power stations, and China plans to build almost 50 new reactors in the next 20 years.
The UK government is "undecided" about whether a nuclear solution is the right one to Britain's negative-energy status.
Greenpeace believes the death toll from the accident is already at 90,000 - and that the figure could treble as generations are affected by cancers caused by radiation 20 years ago.


Blogger infinitemuppets said...

Did the Arse win last night?

New Zealand? Fucking backwater...

April 26, 2006  
Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

Nothing like getting your priorities right under a pic of a sick child. 0-0 lehman saves penalty in final minute. Paris here we come.

April 26, 2006  

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