Friday, March 17, 2006

Clucking bastards: The thruth about bird flu

If you, like me, thought that bird flu was being spread by wild birds flying migratory routes, then think again.
There is clear evidence that the culprits are not wild birds - now risking extinction due to measures to restrict their movement - but our old favourite, intensive farming.
Yes, it has been swans turning up dead around Europe - but the likelyhood is that the intensive farming food chain is to blame.
Countries with intensive poultry farms - which then use that chicken shit on their fields - are spreading out the disease to wild birds that then feed on the fields. Then the swans fly off - and cop it in another country.
If migratory birds had been to blame the pattern would follow their flight. Instead it's followed a trail East to West across intensive poultry farms. In Laos, one of the homes of bird flu, 42 of the 45 farms infected were intensive poultry farms.
It seems that rather like people, if you keep chickens in a space the size of their own bodies crapping on each other and never letting them see the light of day, feeding them cardboard mixed with the bodies of their dead cousins, well, they develop a bad lurgy.
Funny that.
Anyway, let some bloke from the BBC, tell you properly by clicking the link, and he's even supported by the US National Academy of Science.


Blogger ENGLISH RANTER said...

You're right, wanksy, the intensive farming of people is just as dangerous, with the side effects seen in pubs on a friday night at closing time...

March 17, 2006  

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