Saturday, March 18, 2006

Picture Of The Day:

OR maybe you're not worthless, eh Anita?
E.R. was shocked to hear that yesterday, The Body Shop, which once pioneered ethical trading, recycling, fair trade, and at least did not sponsor animal cruelty, was bought for $1 billion by L'Oreal, who according to Peta, are a key player in the testing of cosmetics on animals.
One of L'Oreal's key stakeholders is Nestle, who are known for their cynical marketing of breast milk to the third world, and their attempt to sue Ethiopa for compensation regarding the nationalisation of one of its businesses.
While Bob Geldof was raising money at Live Aid, Nestle was suing the Ethiopian government for more than the amount raised at Wembley that day, despite knowing the country was in famine and unable to feed its people.
Ethical trading always ends when it comes to selling, dontchathink?
I think I would've held out, given that probably the $228 million she got (her share ownership) or, say, $178 million for someone half decent buying it, wouldn't make that much difference to me.
Especially considering my life's work was supposedly being about ethical trading and now I've just looked like a complete cynical cunt who's taken the highest price and flushed all my values down the toilet.
Except the smell never flushes away...
Roddick is the final piece in the hippy capitalist shitbag jigsaw.
She used to tell us it was raining, and now she's pissed in our boots.
Picture yet again robbed but visit to see much more brilliant work.


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