Saturday, March 18, 2006

IRAQ, 3 Years On... Welcome to judgement day, Tony

Tony Blair says ultimately God will judge him about his decision to go to war in Iraq.

Well, unfortunately, E.R. isn't God.


But knowing what we think we know about what Tony meant, lets do him a favour, look at the facts, and see what we think ''Jesus would do''.

Hmm, no United Nations mandate, no chemical weapons, no direct threat, no end to Al-Qaeda, the invasion of a sovereign state more democratic (despite its despot) than its neighbours we trade with, there is still no end in sight to ethnic divisions within Iraq, billions and billions of dollars have been spent on keeping over 110,000 men with guns running a country they don't belong in, tens of thousands of people have been murdered by bombs fired by people who have never met them.
Plus there's still some old bloke called Saddam taking the piss out of judges in court.
Three glorious years.
Click the post header for the numbers. It's a lot of dead people. Especially if you had to look at them all, in a row, with their families crying around them. You'd need a few weeks to meet them all.
God would like that, Tony.
For an estimated body count of civilians and police, click the post's header. Don't miss the figure for Bagdad.


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